I found Romania!

Finally, finally I had the chance to visit something outside from Bucharest. After the trip I had the feeling that I found a part of the “heart of Romania” that was hidden before somehow. People riding on horses, old, rotten … Continue reading

1st December 1918

Hey everyone! This will be part one of a very nice day I spent with Roxana. You may know her from a previous post where she was giving me a little tour towards some Bucharest streets. So what we did … Continue reading

Day 23 – What a weekend

Hey everybody! I just returned Monday from an amazing trip I told you about in the last post. It was basically awesome/unique/refreshing/”manly”/”effective”/interesting and of course a great great opportunity to take pictures! When I entered my room in the dorms on Monday … Continue reading

Day 5 – Enjoy life, Romanian style!

This day started quite early because Christina promised to let me take a picture of her.. I wanted to tell you about how kind and helpful Rumanian people are. When I met her 2 days earlier she gave me some … Continue reading